Saturday, June 14, 2008

"The Shack" Book Review

Ok so I finished "The Shack" yesterday and I also read a review by a well known preacher (I will not use his name but) the review totally frustrated me. "The Shack" is a fictional story and you must read it as that. It is not the inspired word of God only the Bible is, "The Shack" is a book.

While reading it I saw God differently but not any differently then the Bible says. The book shows God as a loving God who wants to have a relationship with me -period. A God who is with me in the good and the bad that happens in my life. That he gives me a free will to make mistakes but he is with me. That sin is why the world is in the mess it is in not because he is causing the mess. All of this is biblical.

Yes, I believe that God used it to speak to me and to draw me closer to him. I think God can use anything he wants to grow us, a song, a sunset, a victory, a tragedy, he is God and he can use anything. The main way he speaks to me is during my quite time with him when I am reading His word, praying and writing in my journal.

So that is my review. If you are a reader like me why not read christian fiction that has a message about God. I also just got done reading "To know her by name" by Lori Wick. It had a great message also about a spy who had to trust God to help her survive in her job. She struggled with what God wanted her to do in the future, stay with her job or quit and do something new. It was great to read and hear how she figured out what God wanted her to do.

Ok I need a new book! Any suggestions?


The Zehrs said...

The Same Kind of Different as Me. What a fantastic book. I cried and cried.....I have Jana's copy, I am sure that if you ask her real nice she'll let you borrow it :0)!

lauraknight said...

I have to second Ashley's recommendation. Just finished reading it a couple of weeks ago. Incredible!! I don't think you will be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Looking for a book to read - try the Bible.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your reviews -- the book glorifies God and encourages us to seek Him, his love and love others. What is all the fuss?

YOu can't please everyone. The book was so inspiring I went to "The God Journey" and "Lifestream" to hear more (they have several audios). THe three men that published the book are special, down to earth and a true blessing.

Anonymous said...

me again, pop over to read my reviews of my recent reads.

If you like The Shack you'll like Angela Hunt's books.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ruth---I enjoyed the Shack as well and finished yesterday. I agree with you on your review. On another level, I am afraid we have so overly religiously interpreted the bible we have lost so much of the love and relationship that God has for us. It was nice to see that through the eyes of this author. In what book to ready I would also recommend Same Kind of Different as Me--great read and again strips down much of the religiousity of the church's interpretations of "relationship". Another great one is "they like Jesus but not the church" by Kimball.

Andie said...

I just finished this book too and loved it.

I agree with the poster above who said:

"On another level, I am afraid we have so overly religiously interpreted the bible we have lost so much of the love and relationship that God has for us. It was nice to see that through the eyes of this author."

Andie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said...

I have picked the book up about 10 times but then something happens and I can't get into in. From what I have read I am so captured but i just can't find anytime to stop and read it all the way through. Pray that i have some down time soon!