Monday, May 7, 2007

Take Me out to the Ball Game!

Today Monday May 7Th, I took a vacation day so I could go on a field trip with my girls. the field trip was to a Nashville Sounds game. We had a blast, the weather was a perfect 78 degrees with a nice breeze. We all walked away a little pink which we needed a little color. This was a rewards field trip for a reading program at their school. Karly has three field trips this week. Today's for reading, Wednesday is a third grade field trip and then on Thursday all the students who have been on the Principals list all year are rewarded with another field trip. She is loving life. Third grade has been a hard year. The work load has just about killed us all so we are beyond proud of her for keeping up her grades. Oh and on top of that her goal this year was to not miss a day of school and guess what she has so far been successful in achieving that. She is amazing and some times pushes her self way to much. Madie is so different, not so self motivated or driven but boy is she pure joy to have. She is our carefree girl who helps us all stop and laugh often. It was a great day to be with my girls and just enjoy being their MOM.

1 comment:

lauraknight said...

You have such a sweet family! A Sounds game is a great idea for a school field trip. I'll have to pass that one along to Emily's school.

Tell the girls that I love their sunglasses. Very cool. :)

Glad to know about your blog. I look forward to reading more from you.