Monday, September 24, 2007

Madie's Baptism

I know this was quick but Madie wanted to get the baptism over so since I have a few connections at the church (ha ha), we were able to get her baptized Sunday. It was a very emotional day, I can't imagine how I am going to feel on her wedding day.

The sweetest thing was in her video she thanked Karly for leading her. Oh man, I lost it. Plus Karl being the one to actually be able to baptize her was priceless. My girls have no idea how blessed they are to have the daddy they have.

I am sorry to my friends who did not know and missed it. It just happened so fast.
If you would like to view her video testimony and baptism, go to .

Thank you to all of you for sharing this precious moment with us. She loved all the notes and hugs and presents. We are so blessed with wonderful friends who love our girls.


Andie said...

I was crying too - can't imagine what I'll be like when it's my own kids LOL!

I thought it was so sweet how she jumped up and gave her Dad a hug afterwards.

Congratulations again! Such an exciting time in your family.

Anonymous said...

Although we are sad that we missed it, we are so proud of Madie! Congratulations!

lauraknight said...

So glad we were there to celebrate with your family. We were sitting behind you and it was so neat to see Madie come back to hug the Whitlows and Thackers after her baptism. She is so precious, and I know Sunday was a great day for you!

Rebecca said...

I am so glad that all this happened before we left. I would have been heart broken if I had of missed it because we moved. I am so proud of Madie and I think I have told her a million times!

Gwen Oatsvall said...

what an amazing moment i am sure !!! congrats .... you and Karl are such great godly parents !!! let me know when we can do lunch !!!