Sunday, September 16, 2007

Big week at Meyer Manor

I have about 5 different stories so pick one or read them all:

Home Repairs/Remodeling:
We chose to put hardwood in the kitchen/dinning room we did not expect the dishwasher to leak on it and ruin some boards a few days later. In one week the fridge had to be replaced, the dishwasher and the air conditioner had to be worked on. YEAH! Life happens I am wearing out and so is all my stuff.

Hard lesson for my Karly:
We have a rule at our house while playing outside you do not go in houses or in back yards. Well my very obedient child for some reason chose to follow all her friends into our neighbors back yard. This is not a normal back yard these neighbors have a pit bull, rottweiler, and two other large dogs. Well as Karl and I are enjoying our Saturday morning coffee we hear our girls screaming and of course we jump up and run outside. They are hysterical and yes my Karly got bit twice by the rottweiler. It was not bad "thank you God" but the terror that they went through just killed me. I can't tell you how many times I have said a prayer of thankfulness because of course all the "what ifs" were playing out in my head. I must say the sweetest thing was Madie's concern for her sissy. She was crying "I don't want Karly to die, I don't want my dream to come true". She had a night mare about Karly a few weeks ago. Sad but sweet.

Read to Succeed:
Every year I am asked to read at the girls school on "Read to Succeed" day. I love doing it the girls pick their favorite books for me to read. I bring props and everything.
Well this year Karly the big 4Th grader did not want me to come read to her class. I might embarrass her. I must admit it hurt my heart a little but I respected her decision. So I get to the school and head to Madie Moo's class and I see Karly in line for lunch so I go say hi and as I am about to leave she says "bye mom" and puckers up and gives me a big kiss in front of all the 4th and 5th graders. That fixed my heart right up. PRICELESS!

Real Marriage:
Saturday night my church had an event to celebrate marriage. We went to eat and then to the event a great date. What a reminder to us both to "Hurry Home" to want to be here with each other and to cultivate what we have. We laughed a lot that night. I am sure God was so blessed to see his children enjoying life together. I believe we worshipped through our laughter. I love my husband dearly and am thankful that he hurries home.

Week 2 of Daniel:
Well I had to walk into my girl friends and tell them that I had only gotten 1 of the 5 lessons done. Shame shame! I came home that afternoon and finished week ones home work and did three lessons for week two, that is how good it is. It is so deep and so filled with history, I feel smarter already!

A few statements to think about from this study:
Godliness is never accidental.
Integrity depends on consistency.
The more we learn the more God will reveal.

John 16:24
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Daniel 2:20-23 (she asked us to memorize it so quiz me when you see me)
vs 20 this week:
Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever, wisdom and power are His.

Ok that was my week - oh and I got to see my sweet friend Gwen. Let's get together soon.

1 comment:

Gwen Oatsvall said...

The More We Learn The More God Reveals ... that was such a biggie for me in the study ... it is all about getting out of the box .. what does that look like??? for me it is looking into the eyes of all God's people and finding a place to serve them and show them love ...

i am sorry about the scare with Karly ... i know that must have been hard ...

i agree that a marriage has to be an intentional relationship !!!

love ya sista ...