Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Are my roots showing?" by Tina Hutchinson

On Monday nights at my church, www.fbcsmyrna.org we are having a women's bible study. The study is being lead by Tina Hutchinson. She is not only leading it but wrote the drama and the study. She is amazing. She has such a heart for ministry.
Some how I got the honor of being "Gloria" each week. I am a salon owner and along with Jennifer Bishop who is my employee, Nancy. We try to start the evening off with a humorous little skit that ties into the message.
Last nights message was on how the world has labeled us but that is not the way God views us at all. It was great to be remind that he values us for who we are and not for the way we have been labeled.
Tina has a blog also check it out it will inspire you http://www.tina4hope.blogspot.com/ .
Last night Brenda White, who totally cracks me up, acted with us. She was so funny, I had to not look at her so that I would not crack up.
Brenda is the one with the towel on her head and the face cream, she apparently tried to color her own hair and burnt her face and hair, so Gloria is scolding her while she applies corn starch to her itching scalp and cold cream to her face.
It was to funny and messy!!!
I am not going to quit my day job for acting that is for sure but boy do I have much higher appreciation for those in theater. WOW!


lauraknight said...

So, Gloria, what can you do with my hair? :)

You and Jennifer look great and I bet you are doing a great job!!

Brenda said...

Dear "Gloria",
The cornstarch didn't do a thing for me...what can we try next? Please, NO Noxema!!!
I love you SO much,
Your customer and friend,