Monday, August 18, 2008

Worship at FBC

Ok so yesterday Karl and I went to worship together. It was great we were in there before the music even started. We got to hear Jason do the announcements and we stayed until the very end. I now understand about the traffic issues that I never saw because I was there at 8 and did not leave until 12:30ish.

Wow what a difference to sit in there and just be able to worship. It was refreshing and much needed. We will get back to volunteering but for now we are going to just worship.

"My God is mighty to save" wow what a song. Oh I loved it and I know HE loved it.


lauraknight said...

Even though I didn't see you yesterday, I thought of you several times. I'm so glad you and Karl were able to worship together. Hope your first weeks of CLC are going well. I'm praying for you.

Tina said...

Very cool, Ruth. We ALL need to be able to just take a break and BASK in HIS PRESENCE. To be able to share that TOGETHER is a GIFT most of us take for granted. Congrats!

Gwen Oatsvall said...

I am sure it was a refreshing time for you both (except for the traffic thing