Wednesday, September 22, 2010

UPDATE as of September 2010

Hello! I haven't written a blog in over a year, since facebook actually but so much has been going on that I thought this would be therapeutic for me.
Leaving Lifepoint:
Ok so I quit working at Lifepoint back in June. Something Karl and I both felt that God was telling me to do. It was definitely a step out on faith cause there was NO job to go to. We both also felt that I was to take time off to "Be still and Know", a rest period. Not to be lazy but to truly spend time with God. Well I can honestly say I have so loved my time with HIM and the thought of not being able to spend this much time with him when I go back to work, kills me.
Some books I have read that I would recommend IF you are ready for it: Crazy Love by Francis Chan, Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On by Stormie Omartian, Discerning the voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, Radical by David Platt and last but not lease-the word of God. I started reading thru the Bible on August 12. I am about to finish the book of Numbers. I think reading through the Bible with the pure thought of learning about God and just appreciating that I can read it gives it a totally new perspective. Now I am going to be honest there has been several parts that I am 'seriously', I want to get to some action not numbers and rituals. But He had a point for all of it so I will read it.
Foster care/Adoption
Ok so last October on fall break I spent hours reading about adoptions in TN and foster care. I have always wanted to do foster care AFTER the girls were safely out of the house. Well did you hear that I part and After part well God's time is always best, right. Ok well while talking to my pastor (Pat Hood) he asked me "so Ruthie you don't think God could protect and use the girls if you were to foster now?". It was as if a light went off when he said that and I knew the time was now. Yes, I know I hate it when Pat is right.=) So Karl and I started our PATH classes which is 10 classes and a ton of paperwork/home studies. So we are now just waiting and praying for the children that need us. We feel very excited and so nervous to be doing this. We know this is probably going to be the most difficult thing we have to date done. BUT we so want to be a part of healing a broken child. Our eyes have been opened fully to what is going on all around us. I wish I had not heard so many of the stories we have heard so that I could sleep easier at night with my head in the sand. I wish I had never read the book "There is an urgency" by Gregrhi Love but I did and I will forever be changed. I will hug my children more and thank God that I was born into my family and they were born into ours.
I want a job where I am working with hurting children. So either in the foster care world, in an inner city school (LaVergne High School would probably count), youth center......I don't know. I just know I want to be a part of helping hurting children. Also would love to go back to school for a Master in ??? that is the problem. Haven't quite figured that out. B.S. in Psychology so a master in Behavior Mod, counseling, social work, special ed...I don't know.
Prayer Request:
That we would be prepared for the children. For the children right now who need a safe home.
For a job that would fit my passion. For direction on which master's program.

Well I feel better =) thanks for listening to me rant.

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