Ok so one of my last blogs was about my dream of going to China. I so wish I had blogged daily about the struggle to get to China. In a nut shell I had three things I needed to get in order to go on the trip: Birth Certificate from Ca., Passport, and a Visa.
Started trying to get my BC in January from LA Ca. Sent off for it three different times and two different ways. Finally got it three weeks before the trip. I was giving up, I thought there was no way I could get the Passport and Visa now BUT we went for it. I got our congressman involved in it and got my pass port in a week, then it was about 8 days left paid some lady to go and actually stand in line and get my Visa and next day air it to me. We left on Saturday the 21st of March and my visa came in on Wednesday March the 18th. Gee do you think God was testing my faith or seeing how badly I wanted to go.
I have to tell you my quiet time was telling me to trust Him he was in control and knew what the future held. Well I took that to mean that he didn't want me to go on this trip or he would make it all come together and it wouldn't be this hard. Well Melanie Hill my tell you like it is bff, said "what if God is just testing you to see how badly you want to go on trip for the kids in China".
It was that statement that kept me going.
China was amazing. Being there with Karl was amazing. Seeing all those happy sweet faces was amazing. Lots of tears were shed that week. But they were good tears of joy and happiness-to be there and to love on those kids, was such an honor. We were suppose to be there to bring them happiness but it was me that felt happy. I promised lots of kids I would be back and I sure pray that I can.
Here are a few of the hundreds of pictures we took. We took lots of pictures of their sweet faces that will forever being in my heart.
Oh by the way, I would say "come Lord Jesus come" before I went to China. Then the Sunday we were in China I cried during service "don't come yet Lord, so many more need you".
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